Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's a Girl Thing

Last summer we lived through a kitchen remodel, and now we are enjoying our new and improved life. The layout of the new kitchen has really improved the way we function and makes it a lot easier to accomplish simple daily tasks like making kid lunches and putting away the dishes.

Well, one of our drawers is dedicated to kid cups and plates. It's low to the ground and out of the way of the regular kitchen activity. It also has been causing some problems lately.

For some reason, kid dishes tend to multiply when no one is looking. Oh sure, it starts out innocently enough - keepsake cups from places like Red Robin are added to the collection on a semi-regular basis. Before you know it, the drawer is overflowing with lids, straws, plates and cups galore.


So, it came as no surprise to find that one of the larger cups decided to bail out of the drawer. But it fell BEHIND the drawer. Well that's an easy enough fix - pull the drawer off the glides, remove the offending cup (throw said cup away) and reinstall the drawer.

The problem with nifty new things, we learned, is that it is not always easy to put it all back together. Low tech drawers simply slide along the edge of the opening, fancy new drawers need to be connected to the super-smooth glides that keep one from ever slamming a drawer shut.

Didn't work.

Had to do SOMETHING! And the thought of asking for a service call for a silly thing like attaching a drawer seemed a bit excessive. After spending a good 15 minutes trying all sorts of connection approaches, I pulled deep from my reservoir of inner resources... Ah ha!

Two minutes later, mission accomplished. My tool of choice? My M-A-C powder compact, of course! It comes with a handy mirror which works for both bronzer application AND home improvement needs.

Once I placed the mirror on the ground, I could see exactly where the glide connection needed to be make under the drawer, and things were fixed in a jiffy.


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