Monday, October 29, 2007

Sad, Sad News...

This Saturday was our last column for The Seattle PI (sniff, sniff).

The section of the paper we wrote for, "@Home" has been discontinued. The same has happened to The Seattle Times "Digs" section.


From what I understand, it had little to do with the content, but the advertising just didn't support it. Funny, because when these sections first debuted, there were LOTS of advertisers. Makes me wonder...

Regardless, it's really too bad. There was a lot of great information we put out for our readers in our section. I am really going to miss it. And I will miss hearing back from our readers - both the positive AND negative feedback!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Color Therapy for the Paint Princess

Christian and I were in my office this morning, writing for the PI. And he said' "It's time to change your office around and find a new paint color!"


Well, come to think of it, it HAS been over eight years since my office was painted. How did THAT happen?

Currently the walls are a nice muted purple with a green accent - ohmygosh - as I look around I realize it is PAST time to repaint!!!

Being the Paint Princess has its benefits. Choosing my own colors is not one of them! Christian found a great color for consideration: C2 Paint's "Rickshaw". But I'm thinking "Saddle" might be just the ticket, too...

Monday, October 8, 2007

New Road Trip

Our next Road Trip is due to be published October 20th - just in time for Halloween! So yes, we are focusing on Halloween Design - and we had a frightfully good time researching this topic (har, har).

Rom Rage

If you click on this photo of Christian, you'll see he is sporting what looks like a poorly-placed Bindi dot (with accompanying bump) right on the top of his forehead - a victim of "Rom Rage".

What is "Rom Rage", you ask??? Well lets just day that interior design is not for sissies. He was kindly helping Rom Lee install a piece at the Designer Showcase hosted by Glenn Richards (check out my blog entry here for more details...) when he was attacked, yes attacked by falling hardware and tumbling ladders. Since Rom is so easy-going, we are blaming him for the whole ordeal.